I've started testing Radzen Blazor Studio a few days ago and quickly realized that it uses Monaco as the code editor engine (same engine as VS Code). Coming from a VS Code background, this made me really happy. But what really bothers me is that all the shortcuts that are standard in Monaco, like:
to swap lines,Alt
to duplicate lines,Alt
to expand the cursor to multi-cursor mode,Ctrl
to select every occurrence of the selected text,Ctrl
on symbol, orF12
to navigate to its definition,Ctrl
to toggle line comment,- probably more,
don't work. And even when you have multiple cursors (using Middle-click
+ Drag
or Alt
+ Left-click
), everytime you want to jump hole words using Ctrl
+ left/right
, it collapses to just one cursor. I know many other apps using Monaco and this works for all of them. I can't imagine anyone deliberately removing it. I looked for settings and everything, but still found no reason why it's not there.
Test Monaco here: Monaco Editor
(Just for completeness, Visual Studio style shortcuts also don't work)