Jump to first failed validation and/or to top of form

I have a long form, I need to jump to the top of the page if it fails validation and/or gives an error.

Right now, I hit the save button and nothing happens and the user doesn't know why nothing happened.


Hi @Chad,

You can probably handle the InvalidSubmit event of the form and display some notification that there are errors.

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Thank you.

Is there a place I can put this such that it will be available for all pages?

    protected async Task FailedValidation()
        await DialogService.Alert("Review form for required fields");

Hi @Chad,

You can create an extension method for the NotificationService class and then use it like this:

await DialogService.FailedValidation()
namespace <YourApplicationNamespace>
    public static class NotificationServiceExtensions
       public satic async Task FailedValidation(this Radzen.DialogService dialogService)
            await dialogService.Alert("Review form for required fields");
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