Issue with ExpandedChanged of RadzenSidebar

I am using RadzenSidebar, and I have specified the following properties: ExpandedChanged="TempFunc" Responsive="false"

My TempFunc method does not get executed when the RadzenSidebar is defined as above and the sidebar is programmatically expanded or collapsed. If I remove the Responsive="false" property, then the TempFunc method is executed. I am somewhat new to Radzen and Blazor, so I don't know if I am doing something wrong. Has anyone else experienced this and know of a workaround?

At the moment ExpandedChanged is raised only when when the RadzenMediaQuery changes: radzen-blazor/Radzen.Blazor/RadzenSidebar.razor at master · radzenhq/radzen-blazor · GitHub

It isn't raised on programatically expanding it. And when Responsive is set to false RadzenMediaQuery isn't used.

Thanks for the response. I need the SideBar to be collapsed initially, so I set Responsive to false (as suggested here: RadzenSidebar no collapsed RadzenLayout - #3 by foluis). Is there any way to have both the SideBar collapsed initially and the ExpandedChanged callback fire?

Not really. Why do you need it anyway if you don't want it to be responsive?

I was just curious. But I suppose it doesn't really matter if the callback is not executed when the sidebar is expanded or collapsed programmatically. Thanks for your help!