I am using RadzenSidebar, and I have specified the following properties: ExpandedChanged="TempFunc" Responsive="false"
My TempFunc method does not get executed when the RadzenSidebar is defined as above and the sidebar is programmatically expanded or collapsed. If I remove the Responsive="false" property, then the TempFunc method is executed. I am somewhat new to Radzen and Blazor, so I don't know if I am doing something wrong. Has anyone else experienced this and know of a workaround?
Thanks for the response. I need the SideBar to be collapsed initially, so I set Responsive to false (as suggested here: RadzenSidebar no collapsed RadzenLayout - #3 by foluis). Is there any way to have both the SideBar collapsed initially and the ExpandedChanged callback fire?
I was just curious. But I suppose it doesn't really matter if the callback is not executed when the sidebar is expanded or collapsed programmatically. Thanks for your help!