Is there a way to get the current logged in Windows user?

Hi, Is there a way to get the current Windows user in Radzen-Blazor Web assembly?

Although this thread is for Angular the code might be helpful in your case as well:

Doesn't Security.User contain what you need?

This will get the user info of the Application Pool in IIS the website is hosted in.
Is there a way I can get the logged in user of the machine?

Is there a sample showing the usage of Security.User to retrieve the info?

Try what @korchev suggested

Is there a way to enable Security in Radzen if we are not using Radzen IDE? SecurityService is not being recognized as a class when I try to use it.

See the thread I've posted in my first reply:

Is this solution for Blazor Web Assembly? I cannot install the nuget AspNetCore.Authentication.Negotiate in the client project to use the AddAuthentication, it gives the error
" There was no runtime pack for Microsoft.AspNetCore.App available for the specified RuntimeIdentifier 'browser-wasm'"

If you are not using the Radzen IDE you should look online how to enable Windows security for a Blazor WASM application.

This is beyond the scope of this forum.

Thanks, I was able to get this working from the server side and once published to IIS.