Invalid export code (parameters) generated for Stored procedure (MS SQL)

Stored proc

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_test_return
@decimal_value DECIMAL(9,4)
DECLARE @created_jobs TABLE(job_id INT, job_date DATE)

INSERT INTO @created_jobs (job_id, job_date) VALUES (0, GETDATE())
INSERT INTO @created_jobs (job_id, job_date) VALUES (1, GETDATE());
INSERT INTO @created_jobs (job_id, job_date) VALUES (2, GETDATE());

SELECT * FROM @created_jobs


Radzen generates the export code below where it set the input data type as float instead of decimal.

[HttpGet("/export/Testdb/sptestreturns/csv(decimal_value={decimal_value}, fileName='{fileName}')")]
public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExportSpTestReturnsToCSV(float? decimal_value, string fileName = null)
return ToCSV(ApplyQuery(await service.GetSpTestReturns(decimal_value), Request.Query), fileName);

    [HttpGet("/export/Testdb/sptestreturns/excel(decimal_value={decimal_value}, fileName='{fileName}')")]
    public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<FileStreamResult> ExportSpTestReturnsToExcel(float? decimal_value, string fileName = null)
        return ToExcel(ApplyQuery(await service.GetSpTestReturns(decimal_value), Request.Query), fileName);

The code generated using latest version of Radzen IDE for Blazor server application with this procedure is correct: