Interactive Dialog

Hi. I am kind of new to Blazor but Radzen has been making things so much easier for me.

I am not sure if this is an expected behavior. In dialogs eventcallbacks doesn't seem to update the UI. I get two different behaviors. I've added code snippets and results, I hope that explains the problem.

@inject DialogService DialogService

<div class="rz-p-12 rz-text-align-center">
    <RadzenButton Text="Dialog with inline Blazor content" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Secondary" Click=@ShowInlineDialog />

@code {
    int orderID = 10248;

    async Task ShowInlineDialog()
        var result = await DialogService.OpenAsync("Simple Dialog", ds =>
        @<RadzenStack Gap="1.5rem">
            <p>Confirm Order ID <b>@orderID</b>?</p>
            <RadzenStack Orientation="Orientation.Horizontal" Gap="0.5rem" AlignItems="AlignItems.Center" JustifyContent="JustifyContent.SpaceBetween">
                <RadzenStack Orientation="Orientation.Horizontal">
                    <RadzenButton Text="Ok" Click="() => ds.Close(true)" Style="width: 80px;" />
                    <RadzenButton Text="Cancel" Click="() => ds.Close(false)" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Light" />
                <RadzenButton Text="Refresh" Click="IncrementNum" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Light" />
       private void IncrementNum()

This does not increment the orderID in the UI.

<RadzenButton Text="Refresh" Click="(() => { orderID = orderID+1; ds.Refresh();})" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Light" />

This updates the UI, the orderID.
Is this an expected behavior? Do we always have to call Refresh method manually to update the UI in dialogs?

Yes, you currently have because the content is defined inline. Another easier solution is to define the dialog content in a separate component (its own .razor file). We recommend this approach for dialogs that have their own state which changes often.

Thank you for the quick response!
Awesome! I will definitely take that approach then.