Integating Radzen project into existing Non-Radzen Blazor app

I have an extensive, built in-house Blazor WebAssembly application that I maintain. As far as internal tools go, it has a few quirks: it does not use Entity Framework/Core, the authentication system is an extremely janky mess, and it's hosted on an Azure VM alongside my clients' other applications. There's a feature that my client has wanted rebuilt for a while now, but its a high complexity, low priority feature so it has been on the back burner.

The feature is essentially an "Advanced Search" tool with search inputs for every field of a record. The complexity comes from the client's need to be able to designate which fields show up in the results, and width of each record exceeding 100 fields.

My supervisor came up with a WebAssembly proof of concept in Radzen Blazor Studio that meets their needs, and I would like to implement it into the main application. I'm not sure how to go about this. but I have a checklist of things I think I would need to consider.

  • Hook the Radzen app into the Main app's router.
  • Register the Radzen app's services into the Main app's program.cs file.
  • Make the Radzen app default to the Main app's MainLayout.razor files.
  • Make the Radzen app default to the Main app's custom auth system.

Any advice would be appreciated!

Hi @cliffieleez,

You can copy the code from the Radzen app to the other one. You would need the model classes (in the Models directory), the EF data context (in the Data directory), any services (in the Services directory) and the pages themselves (in the Pages directory). You also need to register the EF context and services - check Program.cs of the Radzen app.

This sounds straightforward enough; I'll see how far I can get with this and report back. Thank you!