Inner Exception error

I'm getting a strange error. I have a Status dropdown with a static list of available statuses that is set via a property. I recently added a status ("Submitted") and now the new one can be selected but it errors out when I try to save. All of the other ones work fine.

This is the code for my Status property.


Hi Josh,

Can you try to debug the update to check the inner exception?

Best Regards,

Working on debugging this now. I did find this but I'm not sure if that is part of the problem or not. The app does work but seems hit and miss. Looks like a page load issue where I am executing a grid load.

In my opinion the exception is server-side. What method is executed when the exception is raised? Update? Create?

So it seems that there was an issue with the database. The column had an 8 character limit (varchar(8)). I altered that to a varchar(20) column, re-inferred the database, but the same error persists saying it will truncate the data, in this case text "Submitted" and fails. I even went so far as to uncheck the Status column from the table and inferred again to re-select it but it is not working.

Pasted Error
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbUpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: String or binary data would be truncated.

Hi Josh,

Unchecking table column during infer will not remove the UI that submits to the server. Radzen infers max field length and it is set usually as max length for the Form inputs. Can you check what’s the situation in your case?

Best Regards,