I try to change width Expand/Collapse column in DataGrid, but all my attempts are ignored. I use Radzen.Blazor 4.7.1, software-base.css theme.
I tried in app.css :
width: 16px;
width: 1rem !important;
and also
.rz-datatable.rz-col-icon {
--rz-grid-column-icon-width: 1rem !important;
Is there any way to override this width?
Hey @vlado,
Have you tried with a space between .rz-datatable and .rz-col-icon?
.rz-datatable .rz-col-icon {
--rz-grid-column-icon-width: 1rem;
Yes, I tried with space and without too.
There should be a space, since these two css classes refer two different html elements. Also, make sure app.css
is loaded after software-base.css
Here is how it looks on my end, added red background to highlight.
Something must be wrong on my side.
Fragment from index.html of my Blazor App is:
Piece of code:
.rz-datatable .rz-col-icon {
--rz-grid-column-icon-width: 10rem;
background-color: red !important;
I added to file app.css, then I tried placed it into page attached [page].razor.css file, which is compiled into GeomPlan.styles.css together with another attached .css files.
I don't know where is a problem.
I tried run app on MS Edge and Chrome too.
The effect has only if I change value of variable --rz-grid-column-icon-width directly in software-base.css
I think I have got it. I have to clone all parts/files from _content/Radzen.Blazor to my app wwwroot directory.