If dropdown has only 1 value, it doest "fire" as you cannot select it

if I have a dropdownComponent, to which I pass as Data something like:

[{key: "key1", value: "val1"}]

and then I also set a variable like:

selectedValue = []

and use that for the "Value" property of the dropdown,

I would expect that on Init, the dropdown starts empty and shows the "placeholder text".
What happens instead is, the dropdown loads with the only object I have in my DataSet already preselected.

This is not really a big issue per se..but the issue is, with only one element in the Dropdown, I Can never "select" it, what I mean is, if you console log:


you will always get "[]", because even if we see that the selected value in the dropdown is "val1", as we never "clicked" on it, or selected it, the dropdown doesn't hold it as its value.

The only solution to this, would be to append to my DataSet, a null object, which will be then the ones "preselected".

Is there a real solution to this?

any ideas about this issue? I'm trying everything I can think of but with no avail