Hyperlink in datagrid

Hello all,

Is it possible to add a hyperlink inside a datagrid column element, and associate it with a function call, similar functionality to @onclick... . ?
If possible to add a hyperlink, how to accomplish it?

Thanks in advance!

Yes, it is possible - just add the hyperlink and assign its @onclick attribute. You can pass the Template context as an argument:

<RadzenDataGrid TItem="Order" Data=@orders>
<RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="Order">
   <Template Context="order">
       <a @onclick="@(() => OnLinkClick(order))">Click</a>
@code {
   void OnLinkClick(Order order)

Thanks a lot for your reply!

Hello. I followed your code.
The @onclick works but when I hover over 'Click' it won't display the hyperlink.
Could you please advice?

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You will need to add an href attribute, it should show the link on hover.
<a @onclick="@(() => OnLinkClick(order))" href=" ">Click

is it possibile to show the name of the property binded to the radzen grid?

<RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="MyPersonalData" Property="Identifier" Title="Identificativo" Width="150px">
  <Template Context="MyPersonalData">
    <a @onclick="@(() => OnLinkClick(personalData))">Identifier</a>

What it's supposed to show is the Identifier and this one should be click-able

Try this:

<Template Context="personalData">
    <a @onclick="@(() => OnLinkClick(personalData))">@personalData.Identifier</a>
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Thank you very much! Problem was in the Template Context