HTML Editor - something strange

Hello Radzen Team,
first... Great Work with the HTML Editor!

But in one of my applications the HTML Editor looks strange:

After a bit of searching i found out that the HTML Editor doesnt show up in the "customize theme"

In my other app the HTML Editor looks good

and in the "customize theme" the HTML Editor shows up:

Any Ideas what happens here?

Kind Regards

You are having a custom theme which was created before the editor existed. Try saving it again.

Hi @korchev,
the HTML Editor now looks good.

But the cusomize theme properties for it are father missing:

(restarting Radzen didnt change that)

btw... the new "switch" component is missing in "customize theme". :wink:
I dont know how to change the color of the switch area.


Your theme customization does not have the editor settings and that's why they don't appear. You can create an empty app, customize its theme and copy the editor keys from the app.json file.

Ok :+1:t3:
Thanks for help!

Yeah, we know. Will add it at some point. Until then you can add the following to your themeSettings object in app.json:

"$switch-background-color": "red",
"$switch-checked-background-color": "green"

The keys for the editor are:

"$editor-toolbar-background-color": 'red',
"$editor-button-background-color": 'green',
"$editor-content-background-color": 'red',
"$editor-button-selected-background-color": 'red'

Note that you still need to go to the app settings in Radzen and save the theme in order to generate the updated CSS file.

Hi @korchev,
i have done it like you suggest and it works fine!


One problem with the HTML Editor...

When inserting an image and pressing "Ok"... nothing happens

Did i miss something? :thinking:


Ok... i Think perhaps its the Upload Url property....

You probably didn't implement file uploads. Check the documentation.

Hi @korchev,
you are right. Works now.

Thank You!