How to use Radzen in cshtml pages

I can use Radzen on razor pages, but I can't use it on cshtml pages, for example: RadzenTextBox, RadzenLabel, RadzenImage

Hi @terry_chen,

Using Blazor components in .cshtml pages is possible. The steps required are listed in this blog post: Integrating Blazor components into Razor Pages and MVC apps - Meziantou's blog

Sorry, I still don't understand after reading the website

I can use Radzen in .razor pages, but I can't use Radzen in .cshtml pages.
I have added using Razen and Razen.Blazor but still can't display RadzenLabel, RadzenImage.
Is there a part I missed?

Yes, you have missed some steps. Check the linked blog post - it shows step by step what needs to be done.

I looked at the linked page. It describes the use of razor component in project with MVC or Razor Pages. I am researching how to use Radzen Components in cshtml pages. But I couldn't find it :frowning:

You can check also this article:

Here is the important part: