How to use iframe where multiple tabs can be open

Iframe with multiple tabs open when using radzen blazor components

Hi @charlykjoseph,

I can't make much of your post. Please clarify what you want to achieve.

Thanks Korchev, What i want to achieve is similar to Chrome or Mozilla tabs, Inside the web application built on Aspnet core with Radzen Blazor components where , if I click to open different pages it should open similar like chrome opening its tab with different sites.

If you want to use iframes inside the tab content you can do something like this:

       <RadzenTabsItem Text="Page 1">
            <iframe src="/path-to-page-1"></iframe>
       <RadzenTabsItem Text="Page 2">
            <iframe src="/path-to-page-2"></iframe>

Thank you for your reply let me work on it