How to use Humanizer

I'm using a RadzenGrid which shows a few columns.
One of them is showing the file size. Currently it is showing it in bytes.
I want to make it more readable for my users. In my .NET v4.7 application I've used Humanizer for this.
I'm not sure how to use it in the RadzenGrid:
<RadzenGridColumn TItem="MDGR.Models.Entities.Master.FileImport" Property="FileSize" Title="File Size"></RadzenGridColumn>

I've tried:
<RadzenGridColumn TItem="MDGR.Models.Entities.Master.FileImport" Property="FileSize.Bytes().toString()" Title="File Size"></RadzenGridColumn>
and also adding FormatString. But I don't get the expected result.

Should I already convert my file size number to a string when I fetch the data from the DB?

You probably need to use the Template of the column.

<RadzenGridColumn TItem="MDGR.Models.Entities.Master.FileImport"
 Property="FileSize" Title="File Size">

Thanks, that was it.

This is working as I expect it:

<RadzenGridColumn TItem="MDGR.Models.Entities.Master.FileImport" Property="FileSize" Title="File Size">
    <Template Context="entity">
        @(entity.FileSize?.Bytes().ToString("#.#0", new CultureInfo("nl-NL")))