How to refresh radzen dialog after submit event (POST) in Razor Pages


I create an action via the post method in radzen modal dialog.

When I run my app and Create an action the post method works fine.

When I want to create a new action the field in modal is not empty and keep the last action data.

However I use : async Task

Below the code in razor page :

  [Parameter] public EventCallback OnSubmitCallback { get; set; }

 async Task CreationAction(int actionId)
      var result = await DialogService.OpenAsync("Creation de l'action", ds =>
      <RadzenButton Text="Update" Icon="report" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Light" Click=@CreateActionList />              

        async Task CreateActionList()
            await client.PostAsJsonAsync($"api/etude/{actionId}", act); 
            await OnSubmitCallback.InvokeAsync();

Have you an idea how to avoid it?

Thanks in advance

I set the model property.

MyModel.MyProperty = string.Empty.