How to filter child context data from the parent?

I am trying to use the Datagrid column property to filter child context data in a dropdown. The dropdown has its own data list.

I need it for inline editing. How can I match the child field value to the parent field value?

RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="Fitup" Property="JT" TextAlign="TextAlign.Center" Title="Joint" >

Template Context="ft">

RadzenDropDown TValue="string" FilterCaseSensitivity="FilterCaseSensitivity.CaseInsensitive"
AllowVirtualization="true" AllowFiltering=true Data=@JTList.Where( d=> d.JT == ft.JT) Change=@(args =>
Template> @($"{context.JT}")>/Template>



You cannot filter a DropDown from a DataGrid filter.

I get the code above to filter the data list in the dropdown to the matching one from the parent DataGridColumn. But I am struggling to get the value displayed. Any help with it, please?


It's more like binding the value rather than remaining in the dropdown list.

I want this approach because I want inline editing and inserting new ones.