How to detect if running in browser or server

does radzen set any kind of global flag or have any method to detect that the current code is running from a webassembly or the server ?

how should this be done ?
i see some code for this but i want to create a new component to run as part of a radzen app so i want to know if there is a built in function or flag so that i am not re inventing the wheel so to speak.

There is no such code in the Radzen.Blazor components as far as I know.


so there are no places where any of the radzen classes change what they do based on runtime environment ?

i am looking into handling the client timezone info. an azure server runs with datetime on utc time.
on a client the timezone may be any timezone....
if i am executing code in the browser the offset might be -5 hours on the server +0 hours.

also some functions may only be on a server os.
or getting data on the client may need more time to download it from the server....

No such thing.

I suggest searching online how to deal with timezones in Blazor. It is a general Blazor topic and probably better resources exist than the Radzen forum.

yes i am doing other research on timezones and other parts.

i just wanted to make sure that if there was any info already in radzen about running web assembly / server that i would use it in place of duplicating it.

i have found some code for it, i will use that code and when i contribute this you might want to make it aviliable to others who might have a need to know which way the component is running.


I would look at TimeProvider....It has helped me immensely with time zone issues...