How to customize ValueExpression?

Hi, I have plenty of pages that have same data grid and form feature, so I'm trying to build a generic component with reflection, I just need to pass my data to the generic component and I can get the pages.

I create a generic RadzenTemplateForm component called GenericForm, iterate a list and assign value to child component GenericField, GenericField can be RadzenDropDown, RadzenTextBox or RadzenNumeric(I customized some Attributes to decide which component it could be), for now I implement Value and ValueChanged, the component's value I mentioned above can showe and save back to form model successfully, but I can't figure out how to customize ValueExpression, without it the validation won't work.

When GenericField is triggered, there'll be error in FormComponent's SetParametersAsync method:

The provided expression contains a UnaryExpression which is not supported. FieldIdentifier only supports simple member accessors (fields, properties) of an object.'

Here is my GenericForm code:

@typeparam DataGridType where DataGridType : new()
@typeparam ServiceType
@typeparam ListItemType

<RadzenTemplateForm TItem="DataGridType" Data="Model" Submit=@Submit>
            @for (int j = 0; j < genericFields.Count; j++)
                <TTMField @bind-MyValue="genericFields[j].Value"
                  CustomValueExpression="@(() => genericFields[j].Value)"
                  ListData="genericFields[j].List" Attribute="genericFields[j].Attribute" />
        <div class="row mt-3">
            <div class="col-md-12">
                <RadzenButton ButtonType="ButtonType.Submit" Text="Save"></RadzenButton>

@code {
        [Parameter] public Dictionary<string, List<ListItemType>> DropDownLists { get; set; }
        [Parameter] public EventCallback<DataGridType> SubmitCallback { get; set; }
        [Parameter] public DataGridType Model { get; set; }
        private List<TTMFieldModel<DataGridType, ListItemType>>? genericFields { get; set; }
        private DataGridType dataGridModel { get; set; }
        protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
            genericFields = new List<TTMFieldModel<DataGridType, ListItemType>>();
            dataGridModel = new DataGridType();
        protected override async Task OnParametersSetAsync()
            var attributes = typeof(DataGridType).GetProperties()
                .Where(a => a.GetCustomAttribute<TTMModifyFormAttribute>() != null)
                .ToDictionary(a => a.Name, a => a.GetCustomAttribute<TTMModifyFormAttribute>())
                .OrderBy(a => a.Value?.Order)
            genericFields = attributes.Select(a => new TTMFieldModel<DataGridType, ListItemType>
                    DropDownLists.TryGetValue(a.Key, out List<ListItemType> list) ? DropDownLists[a.Key] : null,
        public async Task Submit()
                foreach (var property in genericFields)
                    dataGridModel.GetType().GetProperty(property.PropertyInfo.Name).SetValue(dataGridModel, property?.Value);
                await SubmitCallback.InvokeAsync(dataGridModel);
            catch (Exception ex)

Here is my GenericField code:

@typeparam FieldType
@typeparam ListItemType

<RadzenRequiredValidator Component="@modifyFormAttribute.DisplayName" Text="is required" Style="position: absolute" />
<div class="col-2">
    @switch (modifyFormAttribute.InputType)
        case TTMInputType.DropDown:
            <RadzenDropDown Data="ListData" AllowClear="true" AllowVirtualization="true" Class="w-100" AllowFiltering="true"
            TextProperty="Text" ValueProperty="Value"
            Value="@MyValue" ValueChanged="@( async (FieldType v) => await ObjectValueChanged(v) )"
            ValueExpression="@CustomValueExpression" Name="@modifyFormAttribute.DisplayName"
            Disabled="modifyFormAttribute.DisabledInEditMode" Visible="modifyFormAttribute.VisibleInEditMode" />
        case TTMInputType.TextBox:
            <RadzenTextBox Value="@MyValue?.ToString()" ValueChanged="@( async (string v) => await StringValueChanged(v) )"
            ValueExpression="@( () => (string)(object)MyValue)"
           Name="@modifyFormAttribute.DisplayName" Disabled="modifyFormAttribute.DisabledInEditMode" Visible="modifyFormAttribute.VisibleInEditMode" />


@code {
        public FieldType MyValue { get; set; }
        public EventCallback<FieldType> MyValueChanged { get; set; }
        public Expression<Func<FieldType>> CustomValueExpression { get; set; }
        public List<ListItemType> ListData { get; set; }
        public ITTMDataGridAttribute modifyFormAttribute { get; set; }

        async Task ObjectValueChanged(FieldType v)
            MyValue = v;
            if (MyValueChanged.HasDelegate)
                await MyValueChanged.InvokeAsync(MyValue);
        async Task StringValueChanged(string v)
            MyValue = (FieldType)(object)v;
            if (MyValueChanged.HasDelegate)
                await MyValueChanged.InvokeAsync(MyValue);

I think you have encountered a Blazor limitation which isn't specific to Radzen. Unfortunately I don't have a workaround for that.

The error is due to I put something irrelevant which can't be converted, if I assign CustomValueExpression to ValueExpression, it can't even pass compiler, I'm wondering how can I convert Expression<System.Func<T>> to Expression<System.Func<string>>?

<RadzenTextBox Value="@MyValue?.ToString()" ValueChanged="@( async (string v) => await StringValueChanged(v) )" ValueExpression="@CustomValueExpression" 
                   Name="@modifyFormAttribute.DisplayName"  />

Argument '1' cannot convert from System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<System.Func<T>> to System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<System.Func<string>>