How to create a url that able to go into Edit Page after login?

I wish to create an email with url navigate into the edit page. The site will redirect me to login page if not yet authenticated. After login, system will redirect me into edit page.

I tried following url http://{site}/edit-page/{guid} but system show the page cant be found if not yet login.

Is there a way to have a smooth flow of login->edit page instead of http 404.

I try using the redirectUrl like below, but after login, system doesnt redirect to the required page.


Redirecting to http://localhost:5000/en/login?redirectUrl=%2Fedit-project%2F55ab5ccf-10e4-40e4-8a25-0a3c235ba662 should have worked. There seems to be an issue with the redirection code during deployment that we will fix.

Thx Korchev,

roughly when is the next release?

After few minutes. :slight_smile:

I tried with the 2.62.8 version still not working.

I tried following pattern of redirect url with no success.:


It only redirect to http://localhost:8000/main after login.

Works fine for me ...