How to add css id in RadzenGridColumn tag

I am using DataGrid in blazer. I want to add a CSS id to RadzenGridColumn tag, such as:

                    <RadzenGridColumn id ="myID"  Width=" " TItem=" " Property=" " Title="ID">
                        <Template Context="dto">

id="myID" is the CSS id I added to RadzenGridColumn tag, but this does not work and break page link in menu.
how can I add a CSS id in RadzenGridColumn tag? thank you for help!

This is an abstract component not HTML element

How to assign an css id to each DataGrid column name or header? Thanks!

In the example, Title is the column header or name, I want to assign a css id to it. How can I do it? Thank you a lot!

Use column HeaderTemplate to define desired UI with your own classes.

Could you please give an example?

You can find a lot of examples by searching in this forum for HeaderTemplate