How to add controls in between the radio button list


I would like to add controls in between the Radzen RadioButtonList, displayed as you can see in the following picture.
Would it be possible ?

Thank you for your time,


Hi @Elisa,

Such layout is not possible with RadioButtonList component - only text and value are supported.

Ok, thank you for your quick reply.

Finally, I managed to display the controls as I wanted with CSS and Html formatting.

<div class="row">
   <div class="col-md-6">
      <RadzenRadioButtonList @bind-Value=@Type TValue="TypeP" Orientation="Orientation.Vertical" Change=@((args) => OnChange(args))>
             <RadzenRadioButtonListItem Text="Article" Value="Article">
             <RadzenRadioButtonListItem Text="Article issu" Value="ArticleP">
             <RadzenRadioButtonListItem Text="Création d'un" Value="ArticleN">
   <div class="col-md-4">
        <RadzenDropDown @bind-Value="@PCode" TextProperty="Text" ValueProperty="Value" AllowClear="true" AllowFiltering="true" Data="FilteredListP" LoadData=@(...) />
       <RadzenTextBox style="display: block" MaxLength="50" @bind-Value=@CreateNewPText  />