How do I get a reference to RadzenDataGrid so that I can use Reload()

I am using the Radzen Blazor components in a standalone Blazer Server side project, I am using a RadzenDataGrid, which is populated from a List object, however when I remove or add items from that list, the RadzenGrid is not automatically refreshing. (IE seems not to look at StateHasChanged), so I thought I might get an @ref to the object and attempt to call the .Reload() method, however this seems to work for other objects that are not a Radzen Data Grid, but not to work for a RadzenData grid itself, as the data variable does not seem to being assigned when the grid is initialized rendered. Here is my Blazor which Renders the RadzenDataGrid:

<RadzenDataGrid @ref="gridUserOwnedContracts" AllowFiltering="true" 
    FilterMode="FilterMode.Simple" FilterCaseSensitivity="FilterCaseSensitivity.CaseInsensitive"
    Data="@userOwnedContracts" TItem="Contract">
     <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="Contract" Title="Client">
            <Template Context="contract">
      <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="Contract" Title="Availability">
              <Template Context="contract">
     <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="Contract" Title="Contract" Property="ContractName"/>
     <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="Contract" Title="Project" Property="ProjectNumber"/>
      <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="Contract" Title="" Width="120px">
                      <Template Context="contract">
                                    <button class="btn btn-danger btn-sm"
                                              @onclick="@(e => RemoveContract(contract))">


And where I declare the object that I am using @ref to point to - note I had to template this based on the base object in the table...

private RadzenDataGrid<Contract> gridUserOwnedContracts;

And where I declare the List that I am populating the RadzenDataGridWith

private List<Contract> userOwnedContracts;

And my method that is tied to the - remove button above that when I execute it looks like the grid object has not been initialised:

protected void RemoveContract(Contract c, bool RefreshTables=true)
        if (RefreshTables)

Or alternatively if RadzenDataGrid could automatically detect when the List has changed then I would not need to use the Reload() method, however it does not appear to be detecting when I add or remove items from the underlying List object, and also when i use the @ref= construct so I can reference the underlying object to use Reload() etc - that seems not to initialize correctly as well. Or am I missing something?

Do you get any error at build/runtime errors? If so do share the details

Hi @Sean_Carver,

You need to update the userOwnedContracts field reference in order for the grid to know it changed. Simply removing an item from it won't be enough as the reference stays the same. Here is one way to do that:

userOwnedContracts = userOwnedContracts.ToList();

Thanks - seems obvious now in hind site :slight_smile: