How create dynamic form?

I am interested in Blazor and Radzen. I am looking for to understand if is possible to create dinamically form using Bladzor + Radzen. I mean display controls in a form/popup based on some configuration or user selection.


You can make dynamic forms using razor pages and radzen components.

I am new on this environment and supposing was possible. I am trying to implement and probably understood how do it.

It depends on exactly what you are trying to acheive. for example I needed to create a form dynamically where in I had stored the type of control, name of control ,default values etc in controlslist. I could acheive it as below. This .razor code will not work directly but will give you some idea how to go about it.

@if (ControlsList!=null)
        @foreach (var control in ControlsList)
           <div class="row">
               <div class="col-md-2">
                    <RadzenLabel style="width: 100%" Text=@(control.Label) Visible=@((bool)control.Enable)>
               @switch (control.Control)
                    case "TextBox":
                        <div class="col-xl-3">
                            <RadzenTextBox Placeholder=@(control.Label!=""?control.Label:control.Reportparameterfield) style="width: 100%" @bind-Value="@(ParaValues[control.Reportparameterfield])" Visible=@((bool)control.Enable) >
                    case "DropDown" :
                        @if (control.Data!="")
                        <div class="col-xl-3">
                            <RadzenDropDown AllowClear="true" AllowFiltering="true" Data="@GetSqlData(control.Data,control.Control)" TextProperty="Description" ValueProperty="Code" Placeholder=@(control.Label) style="width: 100%" @bind-Value="@(ParaValues[control.Reportparameterfield])" >
                    case "DateTimePicker":
                        <div class="col-xl-3">
                            <RadzenDatePicker AllowClear="true" DateFormat="dd-MM-yyyy" Placeholder=@(control.Label!=""?control.Label:control.Reportparameterfield) style="width: 100%" TValue="DateTime" Change="@(a => OnDateValueChange(a, control.Reportparameterfield))" >

Thanks a lot Vinod.
This was my first idea but looking for something using render methods.
