How can I use the RadzenContextMenu on a RadzenTextArea component?


I want to use the RadzenContextMenu on a RadzenTextArea component in order to fill the textarea with predefined values from the RadzenContextMenu that I wish to appear when the user right-clicks on the RadzenTextArea.

I've checked all relevant RadzenContextMenu documentation and performed all required RadzenContextMenu installation steps.

The RadzenContextMenu is working fine in my app on a RadzenButton component, but it doesn't seem to work on a RadzenTextArea or RadzenTextBox at all.

All examples in the Radzen documentation point to RadzenButtons or RadzenDataGridCells, but I couldn't find any examples on other regular RadzenComponents.

How can I use the RadzenContextMenu on a RadzenTextArea component directly, instead of using it on a plain html textarea element?

Any help (with sample code snippets) would be very appreciated!

Unfortunately, I guess it's impossible right now to use the RadzenContextMenu on a RadzenTextArea or RadzenTextBox component.
It only works on RadzenButtons and RadzenDataGridCells, or by means of a workaround < div > wrapper that is put around an html textarea element.
Or am I missing something?

Not sure how you've concluded this:

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