Here is my code i want to change the entire row color but it shows nothing but font-weight with condition work perfactly

void RowRender(RowRenderEventArgs args)
// args.Attributes.Add("style", $"font-weight: {(args.Data.RefProduct.CounterSaleMargin <20 ? "bold" : "normal")};");
// args.Attributes.Add("style", $"background-color: {(args.Data.RefProduct.CounterSaleMargin <20 ? "silver" : "white")};");
if (args.Data.RefProduct.CounterSaleMargin < 20)
args.Attributes.Add("style", $"background-color:silver");

            args.Attributes.Add("style", $"background-color:black");

You need transparent cells to see the background color of the row. This is how HTML tables works.

how to make transparent cell.