Help with radzenDropDown in RadioButtonList

Hi everybody!

I would like to implement a radzenDropDown just down of radiobuton, using RadioButtonList.

Somthing like this:

<div style="margin-bottom: 1rem" class="row">
     <RadzenRadioButtonListItem Text="Copiar" Value="1">
     <div class="col-md-8">
                 <RadzenDropDown Name="SelectorMomento" Data="@List_Tipo1" TextProperty="descripcion" ValueProperty="Id" Placeholder="Seleccione el momento..." 
                                 @bind-Value="@(ID_Selected)" Visible="@Visible1" 
                 <RadzenCustomValidator Component="SelectorMomento" Validator="@(() => ValidateIdSelected(ID_Selected))" Text="Se requiere seleccionar el momento" Popup=@Popup Style="position: relative" />


I have proved diferents positions with the dropdown, but the maximum that I have achieved, is show the dropdown up of the radioButton, and I need the dropDown be showed down of radioButton.

Please, could somebody help me?

Hi @Luar79,

Try with Template:

       <RadzenDropDownList ... />

I however have to say that using dropdowns in a radio button list sounds as a bad idea from UX point of view. It may also have side effects and interfere with the internal workings of the radio button list.

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Thank you very much. Yesterday at afteroon, I have proved with templates, and yes, itΒ΄s the solution.

Thank you again.