Heading component


I've noticed that the Radzen Heading component seems to have issues with double quotes. If I drop one onto a new blank page and change the Text proerty to Hello Radzen, it displays fine:


If I then change it to Hello "Radzen" (or anything else which has double quotes), Radzen doesn't like the double quotes:


If I switch pages and then go back, I now get an error in the preview:

Hi @markb,

I don't think that using double quotes is supported for Angular component attributes value. You will get the following which is invalid:

<rz-heading #pageTitle size="H1" text="Hello "Radzen"">

Hi Vladimir,

Agreed but, should Radzen not htmlencode the user entered strings though? I kind of expected Radzen to translate " to &quot; which does work.

Hi @markb,

It will be handled in our next version!


I've just tested in Radzen v2.44.10 and this has fixed the issue :smiley:
