Guage Steps using decimal values

Is there a way to show a gauge from 0 to a max of 0.40 with steps of .05?

                <RadzenArcGaugeScale Step=".05" Min="0" Max=".4" MinorStep=".02" TickPosition=GaugeTickPosition.Outside >
                    <RadzenArcGaugeScaleValue Value=".08" />

The max shows 0.39999999999999997 instead of 0.40. Is there a way to format the Max and Steps?


same with Radial Gauge:


Sorry - easy solution. FormatString also works in GaugeScale as well:

 <RadzenRadialGauge Visible="true">
                <RadzenRadialGaugeScale Step=".1" Min="0" Max=".5" MinorStep=".05" FormatString="{0:N}" >
                    <RadzenRadialGaugeScalePointer Value="0.085" />


I was just posting an answer :slight_smile: Indeed this could happen due the nature of double values in C#. Using FormatString is the correct solution.