GroupHeader-/GroupFootertemplate - One group belonging to another group


Using GroupHeader-/GroupFootertemplate, is it possible to somehow have multiple levels of groups in a datagrid? One group belonging to another group.

I want to build an income statement -report where different account groups belong to different account classes, and group these account classes by income or cost, and a Total at the bottom.

Hi @Micke,

You can group by multiple columns at the asme time. Wouldn't that meet your requirements?

Yes, maybe. Would it possible to add a groupfooter to each level?

No, there is only one footer.

I have the same requirement, to display group and subgroup totals. Looked like this post had a solution, or something similar:

Not sure if I interpreted it well, but looks like the suggestion was to include multiple lines in the group footer template.

It didn't work for me, just got the same value twice on the subgroup, instead of another line at the end with the group totals.

Is it possible to achieve this ?