GoogleMaps Markers and MapStyleOptions

I'm integrating a Google map with the Radzen GoogleMap component.
I have been able to create the map and set some options, but I need a sample on how to set the map style options.
The Class RadzenGoogleMap has the property

public Dictionary<string, object> Options { get; set; }

but I have not understood how to set the stylers like removing the poi (points of interest) or changing some of the features: I tried:

{ "style", "[{\"elementType\": \"labels.icon\", \"stylers\": [{\"visibility\": \"off\" }]}, {\"featureType\": \"administrative.land_parcel\", \"stylers\": [{\"visibility\": \"off\"}]}, {\"featureType\": \"administrative.neighborhood\", \"stylers\": [{\"visibility\": \"off\"}]}, {\"featureType\": \"poi\", \"elementType\": \"labels.text\", \"stylers\": [{\"visibility\": \"off\" }]}, {\"featureType\": \"\", \"stylers\": [{\"visibility\": \"off\" }]}]"}

but with no result.

The other issue is that I would like to replace the marker with a local png.

I have done this with the "GoogleMapsComponents" but with Radzen, that I'm using in the rest of the solution, it looks better, except for map style and marker style.

Anyone has already done this or can give me a start hint for any of the tasks.

Thanks in advance.

According to the Google API there is no style option however there is styles:

Thanks Enchev.
I know how to do it in javascript, what I don-t know is how to put it in the mapoptions... this is my code

if you can hint me on just one prop of type "Array" in the Dictionary, I think I can go on by myself. Same story of the Marker item, I have a png that should replace the standard Google marker.


Check this thread for more info on how to convert JSON string to Dictionary: