GoogleMap API functionality change?

Reference: Reset GoogleMap and change location

So my google map has been working for quite some time, but it stopped working about a month ago. I finally had some time to sit and troubleshoot it, and it appears that updating the zoom and center values no longer updates the map.

Here is my map:

    <RadzenGoogleMap @ref=Map 
        style="height: 700px; margin-bottom: 10px" 
        Center=@_center Zoom=@zoom ApiKey=@ApiKey 
        MarkerClick=@OnMarkerClick Data="_markers">

Here are my declarations:

    private List<RadzenGoogleMapMarker> _markers = new();
    private GoogleMapPosition _center = new();
    private int zoom { get; set; } = 8;
    private RadzenGoogleMap? Map { get; set; }

Here is where I update the markers and zoom:

    private void UpdatePins(GoogleMapPosition position)
        _markers = new List<RadzenGoogleMapMarker>();
            .Where(x => x.LocLat != 0 && x.LocLon != 0)
            .ForEach(x => { 
                var label = $"{x.ScReportId}: {x.NameLfm}"; 
                _markers.Add(CreateMarker(label, x)); 
        if (Map == null) return;
        if (position.Lng == 0 || position.Lat == 0)
            _center = new GoogleMapPosition { Lat = 3x.xxxxxxxxxxx487, Lng = -8x.xxxxxxxxxxx577 };
            zoom = 10;
            _center = position;
            zoom = 8;

Here is where I select all Map Pins and reset the zoom to 10:

And here I have selected a single map pin and reset the zoom to 8:

Did something change with the API and I missed it?


Just a minor update: I was running Radzen.Blazor 4.3.7 and updated to 4.3.10. The problem remains.

Follow-up #2:

I pushed the code (as seen above) to the server again, and now it's working -- mostly

It doesn't work the first time I select a landowner or county, but it does the second time.


  1. Load page
  2. Select landowner
    -- the map updates to display the single landowner
    -- the zoom and center remain unchanged
  3. Clear landowner
    -- the map updates to display all the landowners
  4. Select landowner
    -- the map updates to display the single landowner
    -- the zoom and center update properly
  5. Select county
    -- the map updates to show the pins in the county
    -- the zoom and center do not change
  6. Clear county
    -- the map updates to display all the pins
  7. Select county
    -- the map updates to show the pins in the county
    -- the zoom and center update appropriately