Only when starting in the Radzen IDE the code gets generated, this seems to be different for global variables, normaly code gets generated when I close the window where I can invoke the methods or set properties.
This makes it hard to debug in eg VisualStudio, because it is necessary to start at least once through the Radzen IDE before I can start it through VisualStudio after making changes.
Is this an expected behavior or an bug?
Just saw, that also the Inject of the global service in the page that the new test1 property was set got removed:
Unfortunately I'm unable to reproduce this. I've added new Test global property and after that I've added new local Page property Test2 - GlobalService code didn't changed:
Please try adding a variable on another page.
I have just tested to add a property in the main layout, where I also have the global variable, then the property in the global service will not be removed (like in you example).