Frozen a column

Hi I try to frozen some column in radzendatagrid w/o succs

DataGrid @ref="gridecr" AllowAlternatingRows="false" AllowFiltering=true AllowColumnPicking="true" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="15" AllowSorting="true"  EditMode="DataGridEditMode.Single" 
                ExpandMode="DataGridExpandMode.Single" SelectionMode="DataGridSelectionMode.Single" @bind-Value=@select RowRender="@RowRender"
                Data="@dev" TItem="Developer" RowUpdate="@OnUpdateRow" RowCreate="@OnCreateRow" Sort="@Reset" Page="@Reset" Filter="@Reset" ColumnWidth="150px"
                GridLines="@GridLines" Density="@Density" >

 <Template Context="dev">
                    <RadzenFieldset Text="Cartéristique">
              <RadzenDataGridColumn Visible="true" TItem="Developer" Property="d" Title="Test Number" Frozen="true" Width="60px" /> 

As you can see I've put Frozen="true" but I don't have the possibility to move the table.
how do I set up the datagrid so that I can move the table with the cursor?

Hi, have you any suggestions?
Thanks in advance

We don’t have any suggestions - check our demos for reference.

It's to complex. Thanks to your support!

You have provided an incomplete example and ask us to tell you what's wrong with it. I am afraid we can't tell that. Here is a working demo which isn't that complicated to be honest: Blazor DataGrid frozen columns. Compare the code with your own.

It's my code. Thanks to your link!

@korchev it's ok thank you!