Fixed row width


I have a row set to fixed for some buttons:

The buttons are offset to the right. When I set the "row" to fixed it no longer stretches to the width of the container:

Any way to fix this? If I set width to 100% it stretches way outside of the container.

When set to static it looks correct:

If i am not misstaken you need to put your data in a column in a row for it to work as expected.
You can put data directly in a row.

Some rules need to be applied aswell:

  • Inside of a row you need 1 to 12 columns
  • Each column can have a size of 1-12 unit.
  • The totalt size of a of columns must be 12.

Example 1:

  • 3 columns
  • First column size 8 units
  • Second column size 3 units
  • Third column size 1 unit
  • 8+3+1 = 12 untis

Example 2:

  • First column size 6 units
  • Second column size 6 units
  • 6+6 = 12 units

So you need to add one more column to your row, set the size of it to 1 and the column you have now to 11. Then you will have one small column where you can put your butons and a bigh column for the rest of the data.

Size of a column


It's currently setup as a row with single column:


Column is set to 12 issue is that the width goes haywire when set to fixed. It also doesn't matter if the row is inside another column inside another row, the width also goes haywire when set to static.

Why did you set it to fixed? What are you drying to Achive?

I want the button row to be fixed so when you scroll the form they are still visible. This allows the end user to switch between edit and view without having to scroll all the way up to the top.

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I fixed this by adding "sticky" as a position.

@Gottengubben thanks for your help.

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