Filter not working on Ints in simple mode

In my grid shown below the filter will not work on columns of type int when in simple mode but does work in advanced. I get no errors.

Any suggestions?

<RadzenGrid @ref="fileLibraryGrid" class="grid-text" AllowFiltering="true" FilterMode="FilterMode.Simple" AllowPaging="true" AllowSorting="true" Data="@lessonFileData" 
                        PageSize="20" TItem="LessonFilesDTO" FilterCaseSensitivity="FilterCaseSensitivity.CaseInsensitive">
                    <RadzenGridColumn TItem="LessonFilesDTO" Property="Id" Title="File ID" Width="120px" />
                    <RadzenGridColumn TItem="LessonFilesDTO" Property="ActivityId" Title="Activity ID" Width="130px" />
                    <RadzenGridColumn TItem="LessonFilesDTO" Context="data" Property="LessonId" Title="Lesson ID" Type="int" Width="120px">
                    <RadzenGridColumn TItem="LessonFilesDTO" Context="data" Property="FileName" Title="File Name" Type="string" Width="250px">
                    <RadzenGridColumn TItem="LessonFilesDTO" Context="data" Property="Type" Title="File Type" Type="string" Width="120px">

Make sure you are using latest version of Radzen.Blazor:

It was user error. I thought I could do a partial match e.g. enter 123 to get 12345. It would be nice to have partial match in the future.

Thanks, Justin.