Feature request: apply filter on DataGrid with enter key


I apologize if there's an obvious way around this (I'm very new), but when you're adding a filter to a DataGrid column, it would be nice if you could hit the enter key to hit Apply when your focus is anywhere in the filter dropdown. Otherwise you have to use the mouse to hit the button, or navigate down by pressing tab a few times.

I can confirm this is the case in Firefox 100, 99, and on a coworker's Chrome. I haven't seen anything about this in a quick search of the forum. If there's a way around it in the code that would also work.

Thanks in advance

Hi @IsaacH,

You can use simple filtering mode to filter quickly:

Thanks, I'll confirm that's sufficient for our use cases and we'll switch if it makes sense, as that would make it a lot faster and easier for us. In the future the requested feature would still be convenient for keyboard users who do more advanced filtering.

Hi @IsaacH,

Feel free to open a new feature request in our github repository.