Extend RadzenGrid

Hi, I'm trying to extend functionality of RadzenGrid for my own purposes. What I'm trying to do (beside all other things) is to add RadzenFieldset around it, but this leads to a problem.

@inherits RadzenGrid<TItem>

<RadzenFieldset Text="@Name" style="margin: 10px;">
<div class="row">

This throws an exception:
Unhandled exception rendering component: Cannot read property 'parentNode' of undefined

But as soon as I move tree building outside of the fieldset/or I simply remove fieldset everything works fine.

@inherits RadzenGrid<TItem>

<div class="row">

I basically want to get rid of all the redundant code I have. But this is blocking me. Any ideas? Maybe I'm doing whole UI extension wrong?

Of course there is plenty of other things I extended - I want to use it as RadzenGrid but have some additional properties and functionality available. But only this rendering is causing the problem. Without Fieldset everything works like it should.