Exception thrown by the target of an invocation

Good Morning!! I Created Context in New class Library and when I register that context in Server That Gives 'Exception thrown by the target of an invocation' error.... But It Runs in Without any Problem in RadzenStudio as well as VisualStudio..


Please check our forum FAQ for more info about how to improve your post. It’s not clear where you’ve received this exception, there is no screenshot, nor stack trace.

Iam Really Sorry for that!!
This is My Project Structure Project Structure
This is My PostgresContext Class PostgresContext
This is My Server Program.cs and I Registered that PostgesContext Program.cs
This is Error shown by RadzenStudio when I Register the PostgresContext in Program.cs.. Error

And I created new MyContext in server and used the code of PostgresContext and I registered it in Program.cs there is no Error for MyContext... MyContext
Error shows only for PostgresContext... Is that my Fault or We can use Context only inside the server???

Your project looks like a custom one not generated by Radzen - I'm afraid that we cannot help much.

Yeah!!!.. If we want to create a separate Project for Controllers, instead of Creating Controllers inside the Server, How we can do it in RadzenBlazor. Is there any Sample Projects???