Example of DropDownDataGid with TValue = "Class"

all the demos online use a TValue='string" or do not have a TValue.
please update and show use of a class / Type
also show how to use @bind-Value="value" when TValue is a class.

all the attempts i have made at getting the default to show keep resulting in compile time and run time errors having to do with a failure to match the delegate to the type. in one way or another.

When you set TValue to a class make sure you don't set ValueProperty.

i wonder if that is the reason for the problem i have been seeing?
i think the documentation and samples on how this works are a bit light and could use more details like that.

i am doing an app for a healthcare claims adjustment for payments to be issued. a lot of data and a number of tables and relationships so i needed to show my user more than a simple dropdown..... so that they can make the right changes....

so far your library and tools are being very productive and i expect that the company will soon buy a full license as i show them this app and how well it will work.
we have a number of other apps like this that we need to build over the next year to fill in details the out of the box systems don't handle.

but the generated blazor code hides some of the details so that i cant always see why i get some of the errors ......
i may also setup a project where the generated code is saved so that i can see it, the blazor generated code that i see in the compile errors ... i was looking for that info also.... looks like i have to override some default things in the project to get the hidden auto generated stuff....

here is a part of the code, please if you can comment on how to best do this it will be very helpful.

 <RadzenDataGrid @ref="grid1"
                                        <RadzenDataGridColumn Width="680px" TItem="PaymentDetail" Property="WexPlan.BenefitName" Title="Claim Plan Name">
                                            <EditTemplate Context="item">
                                                <RadzenDropDownDataGrid TValue="BenefitOffering" 
                                                                        Style="width: 670px"
                                                                        Change=@(args => OnChangeBenefit(args, "DropDownDataGrid with filtering by all string columns"))>
                                                        <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="BenefitName" Title="Wex Plan Name" Width="240px" />
                                                        <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="BenefitType" Title="Type" Width="60px" />
                                                        <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="Initialize" Title="Init." FormatString="{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" Width="100px" />
                                                        <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="PlanStart" Title="Start" FormatString="{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" Width="100px" />
                                                        <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="PlanEnd" Title="End" FormatString="{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" Width="100px" />

i have the dropdown grid showing the data , just not getting the default working right so far...
i keep getting errors about the delegate type / return type.

Try removing the Change event handler. The method signature is probably incorrect.

one other thing: @bind-Value="value" should i be referring to the parent classes ID an Int or to the Object that the id relates to ? the TValue type of BenefitOffering ?

finally i got it to work!
took out the TValue="class" and put the ValueProperty back in.....
like this:

 <RadzenDataGridColumn Width="680px" TItem="PaymentDetail" Property="WexPlan.BenefitName" Title="Claim Plan Name">
                                            <EditTemplate Context="item">
                                                                        Style="width: 670px"
                                                                      ValueProperty="BenefitId" @bind-Value=@item.BenefitsOfferingId
                                                        <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="BenefitName" Title="Wex Plan Name" Width="240px" />
                                                        <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="BenefitType" Title="Type" Width="60px" />
                                                        <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="Initialize" Title="Init." FormatString="{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" Width="100px" />
                                                        <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="PlanStart" Title="Start" FormatString="{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" Width="100px" />
                                                        <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="PlanEnd" Title="End" FormatString="{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" Width="100px" />