Error using Export with DateTime filter

When filtering the data for an Export, I need to to use this filter: XDate > = ${InitialDate}

where XDate is of type DateTime

When I execute the Export I get this:

  • Vuelos.ExportController.ApplyQuery(IQueryable items, IQueryCollection query) in ExportController.cs

  1. items = items.Where(filter);
  • Vuelos.ExportValesController.ExportDbVuelosToExcel(string fileName) in ExportValesController.cs

  1. return ToExcel(ApplyQuery(await service.GetDbVuelos(), Request.Query), fileName);
  • lambda_method481(Closure , object )

How can I fix it?

I solved this issue by formatting the DateTime parameters as 'yyyy-MM-dd'. This is only needed when using Export; not when calling the stored procedure.

Now it works.