End Endings of generated files

Source files (such as .razor) generated by Radzen do all have LF line endings. On Windows systems, especially when working with a source code revision control system such Git, it would be helpful to have CRLF line endings (more consistent accross the entire project/solution).

Is there any way to configure the desired line ending format in Radzen? If not, that would be really helpful!


Hi @JustJoe,

Just to make sure, are you using Radzen IDE? There is no such problem with Radzen Blazor Studio, you might want to switch to our latest product where you have far more capabilities.


yes, I'm still using Radzen IDE. An switch to Blazor Studio is currently not an option, maybe next year.

Hi @JustJoe,

We cannot change LF to CLRF in Radzen IDE since this will affect immediately all customers and we definitely do not want that.


maybe a setting could be an option so that this can be enabled if desired...