hi guys,
i have the multi-select drop down working on an ADD page for adding users to a schedule in a one schedule to many users relationship.
for a multi-select drop down box in an EDIT page, how do you set this up ?
the functionaility is...
on load --> select (populate the DDL multi-select) with the users which were added on the add page
on use --> users can add or remove users
on save --> remove all records from the DB and re-create based on the values in the DDL <-- this is similar to the add page
i'm a little stuck on the "on load"
i have attempted to create the binding object with the below code
the page load script includes this custom method
the DDL is configured as below;
this compiles okay, but does not seem to like loading on the screen
so questions.... is the approach correct? is the returned object correct for the bind value?
anything else i'm missing?