Dynamically rendering input fields

Hi, I'm using Blazor + Radzen as an admin portal and I want to dynamically generate a duplicate set of the input fields (Variation name, File Url, Quantity) whenever the user clicks on the "+" button. Is this possible? If so can someone point me in the right direction, much appreciated! Here is a screenshot

I think the better solution vs rendering more controls is to just save the data to a list every time a user saves.

Hi @Marcus_E,

You can usually use a for loop. When you increment the length a new row would appear. Something like this:

@for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
    <RadzenTextBox />
<RadzenButton Click="@Increment">Add</RadzenButton>
@code {
   int count = 1;

   void Increment()
      count ++;

Oh of course, I didn't even consider this. Thanks for the tip!

I implemented it in an example here and I would like to know how I can deal with the model property of each field individually.

Example: the field in question has the property CD_LATERALIDADE and when I generate a new line (line 2), the new line's field has the same property as the previous one.

I would like to save all the field values of all lines in a variable.

@for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
<div class="col-md-4">
    <div class="form-group">
        <RadzenLabel Text="Lateralidade"
                     Component="@campoLateralidade" />

        <RadzenDropDown Name="@campoLateralidade"
                        Placeholder="Selecione uma opção..."
                        class="w-100" />

        <RadzenRequiredValidator Component="@campoLateralidade"
                                 Text="O campo Lateralidade é obrigatório" />

//------------- More fields ---------------//

As far as I know @bind-Value and similar two-way constructs don't work with array access which makes it a bit difficult to use. It is still possible though - you can follow the approach shown here: Inline Editing on Dynamic Grid - #5 by korchev

<RadzenTextBox Value=@context[@column.Key].ToString()
       Change=@(value => @context[@column.Key] = value)  />

In your case it can be something like

    Change=@((object value) => values[i].PropertyName = (string)value)) 

The important part is deconstructing @bind-Value to Value and Change.