Dynamic DataGridColumn Template

Good Day

I have custom template code on a data grid column as follows:

<RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="MD.Models.Masterdb.SF2Y" Property="_0" Title="0">
    <Template Context="data">
    @if (data.Order == "3")
        @String.Format("{0:P}", data_0)
        @String.Format("{0:R ### ### ##0.00}", data._0)

The issue I have is that I have many grids each with many columns, is it possible to change the "data._0" dynamically from the RadzenDataGridColumn Property? So that it looks something like:

<RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="MD.Models.Masterdb.SF2Y" Property="_0" Title="0">
    <Template Context="data">
    @if (data.Order == "3")
        @String.Format("{0:P}", DynamicValue)
        @String.Format("{0:R ### ### ##0.00}", DynamicValue)

That way i would be ablur to use the exact template on all columns without have to change the data._0 value for each.

Hi @DarrenW,

You can try the approach from our dynamic data demo: