Dynamic Data Datagrid reference

I know that to access a Radzen Blazor component (or any Blazor component)
you need to use the @ref attribute.
Again I know how it works.

<RadzenGrid TItem="Customer"  @ref="myGrid" />
<RadzenTextBox @ref="myTextBox" />
@code {
    RadzenGrid<Customer> myGrid;
    RadzenTextBox myTextBox;

How can I refer to my radzen grid if I don't use EF databinding but dynamic data ?
My data is a IDictionary<string, object>.
Hereunder some lines of code to better explain what I'm asking for:

<RadzenDataGrid @ref="elencoProdotti" AllowFiltering="true" FilterCaseSensitivity="FilterCaseSensitivity.CaseInsensitive" FilterMode="FilterMode.Advanced"
  AllowPaging="true" PageSize="5" AllowSorting="true" Data="@data" TItem="IDictionary<string, object>" LoadData="@LoadData" IsLoading="@isLoading" Count="@count"   >
            <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="IDictionary<string, object>" Property="id_prodotto" Title="id_prodotto" Type="typeof(int)">
            <RadzenDataGridColumn Width="100px" TItem="IDictionary<string, object>" Property="inventario" Title="Inv">
            <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="IDictionary<string, object>" Property="descrizione" Title="descrizione" Type="typeof(string)">
            <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="IDictionary<string, object>" Property="fornitore" Title="fornitore" Type="typeof(string)">
             <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="IDictionary<string, object>" Property="" Title="" Type="typeof(string)">
                    <RadzenButton ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Info" Icon="help" Click=@(() => OpenOrder(Convert.ToInt16(@context["id_prodotto"]))) Text="@context["id_prodotto"].ToString()" />

@code {
    MySqlDataAccessLayer dal = new MySqlDataAccessLayer();
        funzioni fz = new funzioni();
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        IEnumerable<IDictionary<string, object>> data;
        bool isLoading;
        int count;
        RadzenGrid<IDictionary<string, object>> elencoProdotti; (<-- doesn't work...)
    protected override void OnInitialized()

      async Task LoadData(LoadDataArgs args)
         isLoading = true;
         string sql = "select id_prodotto,inventario, descrizione, fornitore from tb_prodotti";
         dt = dal.PopolaDataTable(CommandType.Text, sql);

            var columns = dt.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>();
            data = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(dataRow => columns.Select(column => 
                     new { Column = column.ColumnName, Value = dataRow[column] })
                 .ToDictionary(data => data.Column, data => data.Value));

        count = dt.Rows.Count;
        isLoading = false;

Thanks in advance!

You are using RadzenDataGrid, RadzenGrid is our old legacy grid

Thanks for reply Enchev.
But what should I do?
I'm sorry but I don't understand what I have to do now...
Update my markup from RadzenGrid to RadzenDataGrid or replace with RadzenDataGrid the line :RadzenGrid<IDictionary<string, object>> elencoProdotti;

If I replace my code and start using your RadzenDataGrid how can I refer to it in a dynamic data databinding scenario like the one posted above ?
Mind that RadzenDataGrid<IDictionary<string, object>> elencoProdotti; gives error too.
Thanks again!

Ok , I got it!
Replaced markup with RadzenGrid and everything works!
Now I got an object set to null here:
protected override void OnInitialized()
I guess 'cause RadzenGrid is still a null object on that event..
Where can I put the Reload() ?

Thanks again !!

Just a little add.
I need to reload to refresh data after update/insert operations through dialog.
I open the dialog with a button on the grid row as you can see.
But when I close it the grid doesn't show the new row or updated row.
Thanks again !