
i am started using RadzenDropZoneContainer and DropZone. Now I am wondering how to get the current selected Item to be able to open an editor box for Item properties.
Any ideas how to get the selected Item?

Kind Regards

What is a selected item? You can probably add a click handler if you need to respond to it. RadzenDropZoneContainer doesn't have selection of its own.

<RadzenDropZoneContainer ...>
        <strong onclick=@(() => OnClick(context))>@context.Name</strong>

in DropZone example in online documentation you are using MyTask class which instanzes are then displayed in the RadzenDropZone. I would like to have the ability to react to selection of a displayed task item in the DropZone to display it as selected and to be able to edit selected object properties. At the moment i am using OnDrop to evaluate used myTask object but therefore i have to start drag and drop on the object

As I said earlier there is no "selection" unless you implement one. Did you try handling the click event of your items?