DropDownDataGrid search error when using Configuration Wizard

I use Version 1.38.
On an empty page I create a DropDownDataGrid and use only "Configuration Wizard" on sql server table "tblMaerkte"; 4 columns: key is "MarktId" int (Identity) and 3x varchar.
TextProperty is column (string) "LandDeutsch", ValueProperty is (int) "MarktId".
When running, I search für letter "a",
I receive the error message "The query specified in the URI is not valid. Could not find a property named 'a' on type 'LagdbTest2025.Server.Models.Lagerstellen.TblMaerkte'.
Is that the desired behaviour?

Sorry for the late reply! Not sure how we missed this post. What’s the code of LoadData method? Usually it should be generated without any filtering operator applied and you need to manually specify what filtering should be used. If your app is WebAssembly the format should be OData: