DropDownDataGrid not clearing previous selected value after setting binding value to null / 0

<RadzenFormField Text="Part" Variant="@variant" Style="width: 100%;">
    <RadzenDropDownDataGrid @bind-Value="@newPrid" Data=@products TextProperty="cu_codenum" ValueProperty="pr_id" 
                            AllowColumnResize="true" AllowFilteringByAllStringColumns="true" Name="NewOrd2PartPickker" Change="PartChanged">
            <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="cu_codenum" Title="Name" Width="200px" />
            <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="cu_descrip" Title="Description" Width="200px" />

This is the component
// Method to clear the order line
public void ClearOrderLine()
    newPrid = 0;
    newQuantity = 0;
    extension = 0;
    unitPrice = 0;
    description = String.Empty;
    stockUnit = String.Empty;
    salesUnit = String.Empty;
    pricingUnit = String.Empty;

    // This call should ensure the component updates with new state

Thisis the clear method.  Eveything else in the clear method is removed except the DropDownDataGrid.  I updated to the most recent version 4.31.0, tried both making the bind value 0, then made it nullable and tried that, still nothing.  Is there something im missing?

type or paste code here

This will fix the issue in our next update:

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Awesome, thanks guys