DropDownDataGrid Multiselect display checkbox column


Is there a way to show that particular row was selected in the drop down data grid when using multi-select mode? It is not clear which of the rows were selected (especially when list of options is long).
Provided example on website does not have any checkboxes or row highlights in multi-select mode.

Hi @Olga,

I've extended the demo:

<RadzenDropDownDataGrid AllowFiltering="true" FilterCaseSensitivity="FilterCaseSensitivity.CaseInsensitive" AllowClear="true" @bind-Value=@multipleValues Multiple="true" Placeholder="Select..." Data=@customers TextProperty="CompanyName" ValueProperty="CustomerID" Change=@(args => OnChange(args, "DropDownDataGrid with multiple selection")) Style="width:400px">
        <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Width="40px" Sortable="false">
                <RadzenCheckBox TriState="false" TValue="bool" Value="@(customers.Any(c => multipleValues != null && multipleValues.Contains(c.CustomerID)))"
                                Change="@(args => multipleValues = args ? customers.Select(c => c.CustomerID) : multipleValues = Enumerable.Empty<string>())"/>
            <Template Context="data">
                <RadzenCheckBox TriState="false" Value="@(multipleValues != null && multipleValues.Contains(((Customer)data).CustomerID))" />
        <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="CustomerID" Title="CustomerID" Width="100px" />
        <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="CompanyName" Title="CompanyName" Width="200px" />
        <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="City" Title="City" Width="100px" />
        <RadzenDropDownDataGridColumn Property="Country" Title="Country" Width="100px" />

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Thank you @enchev for the prompt answer!
My problem is solved now =)

the search is not working in multiselect, below is the quote, i am not able to see cursor in the search
box. please help me on this

    <RadzenDropDown AllowClear="true" AllowFiltering="true"
                                                    @bind-Value=@item.SelectedPossibleValuesCollection Multiple="true" Placeholder="Select..."
                                                    Change=@(args => GetSelectedPossibleValues(args,item.ControlID))

Search works as expected on our online demo. You can compare your code with the code from the demo.